Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I was so caught up this morning in discussing the schools dilemna (Joseph's lottery ticket for the public schools we liked came up short, but he did get into a fabulous private school and there is still the option of the cozy Catholic school and ....) that I dropped JR off at the preschool but carried his lunchbox all the way to my office.

Once I realized I still had his Spiderman lunchbox in my clutches, I called my supervisor to let her know I'd be late, found an ATM so I'd have money to pay the cab which I then hailed, and ran the lunchbox back out to the preschool.

Back at my desk, I opened my calendar to discover that I wasn't supposed to be in the office at all. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled and was now 5 minutes late!

I know I'm obsessing over the whole kindergarten issue - but I hope my scatterbrain morning is not predictive of how my next few months are going to go (until this is all resolved).

It's only kindergarten, right?

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